How to create FBA Shipment from the ODB app

To create a shipment from your OneDayBundle account, you need to go to the "FBA Shipment" section and click on the "NEW SHIPMENT" button.

Please pay attention to item components and item SKU. These fields must be filled in. The SKU field corresponds to a similar ASIN field in Amazon FBA Inventory in the Seller Central. You will not be able to create shipment without this.

Therefore, before adding ASINs to the shipment, make sure that the data is filled in correctly in the asin in the ODB FBA Inventory personal account section.

Step 1.

In the first step, you should select seller (if you have more than one seller) and "Create New" (2) if you create a new one. If you've already created it in the Seller Central then choose Import existing shipment and enter shipment ID.

Step 2.

At the next step, you should choose who will labeling the products: the prep center (OneDayBundle prep Label)(1) or Amazon (Amazon prep Label)(2).

Step 3.

Next, you need to choose how the products will be packed: Individual or Case packed. If you do not know for sure how the products will be packed (for example, ASINs are not in individual packages and you do not know the exact number of such boxes in 1 shipping box), then choose the "Individual" option.

If you are using the 2D barcodes option, you will also need to select whether to use them for this item at this step.

Step 4.

On the next step, we add ASINs to the shipment. ASINs can be added manually (each of ASINs added separately) or you can download the shipment content by importing a pre-filled *xls file.

To upload a file, you can first export an example file for filling.

If each ASIN will be added separately, then the process should be started by clicking on the "Add item" button (1). Next, select an ASIN from the drop-down list (you can filter products by the name or ASIN ID) (2) and specify the quantity to send (3). If you move the cursor over the orange icon (4), will open a window that will display information about how much of the supplier’s product from item components of ASIN is in stock, and how many ASINs can be sent in the shipment. If for any reason the ASIN needs to be deleted at this stage, click on the "trash can" icon.

If you add ASIN, which does not have an item component and/or SKU, to the shipping plan, an error message will pop up and the button “Create Amazon Shipment” will be disabled. You need to double-check the data and make the appropriate changes in the FBA Inventory section

When all the data has been entered and verified, click on the “Create shipment plan” button.

Step 5.

After clicking on the "Create Shipment plan" button, a shipping plan is created (this is not the shipping yet!!!). The "Title" field will be automatically filled in, but it can be changed. Also at this stage, the shipment is assigned an ID.

Amazon may split products into different warehouses (different Shipment IDs will be created). This can only be affected by activating the corresponding paid option in the Seller Central settings, according to which all shipments will be sent to one warehouse.

Starting March 1, 2024, Amazon introduced changes to the Placement fee rules. You can read more about this in this article.

You can check the settings in the Seller Central Fulfilment by Amazon settings => Inbound Settings => Edit section.

Confirm the creation of the shipment by clicking on the "Create shipments" button. The shipment is automatically created in both your ODB account and Amazon Seller Central.

Step 6.

Shipment has been created. You can go to the shipping page in the program by clicking on the shipping ID number (1) if you need to make changes, or you can immediately transfer the shipping to the packaging by clicking “Send for packing” button(2). From this page, you can start creating a new shipment (3).

Please note! A shipment in the ODB account is created in the "Draft" status. In order for the shipping to be taken into use, it must be sent for packaging!

From this time our Telegram bot will inform you about changes in the status of this shipment. If you are not already subscribed to it, we recommend you subscribe.

Please also look at the video tutorial about shipment creation on our YouTube chenal

How to change the shipment?

After creating a shipment from the ODB program, if you need to make changes to the shipment (change the number of units or completely remove one of the asins), this must be done ONLY through the ODB program (read about this in the next article).

After a shipment has been created, it is forbidden to change it in the Seller Central, even just to view the data of the ship, since in this case the API connection will be deleted and all subsequent actions with the ship will need to be performed in the Seller Central.

Last updated